Friday, March 21, 2014

Every Journey Begins with a First Step....

...and with these first few posts, I, and hopefully a lot of others, will begin a journey to examine how the Science-centric and Religion-centric Populations can come together in community.

So let's make a start, shall we?

Q: Why am I doing this?
A: To facilitate a discussion between those of  'Science-centric Spirituality' and those of 'Religion-centric Spirituality' and to learn from that discussion. 

The SRA Program's intent is to create and facilitate opportunities for both sides to meet and get to understand one another better. The intent of the blog is to provide a forum for both these groups to communicate, air their views, make suggestions to the other, and to serve as a curated resource for those who may want to dig deeper.

All religions, denominations and demographics welcome, although I will focus my own comments on the Inherited Churches of America as that is the area I am most familiar with.

Obvously, this topic is meaningful enough to me for me to go through the work of crafting the small group program and starting a blog about it, therefore, nihilists and blatantly hateful people only wanting to spout negativity, please go away.

Q: What is in it for me?
A: I realized, despite many and great disappointments I felt with Inherited Church and with the "science & technical community",  that both could benefit from the other. 

Pouring my efforts through the act of crafting the SRA program and blogging will help organize my thoughts and ease my feelings about it all. Yes, I may make money from the print or eBook versions: $2 max on each eBook. Get over it....I need to be compensated for the extraordinary amount of time I have put into this and to test people's seriousness about it. I don't need people to tell be it is interesting; I need them to demonstrate the value of the idea by forking over a small amount of money. Get over it and participate constructively please.

Q: Why me? What do I bring to the discussion?
A: Why not me? I can find no other resource specifically addressing this topic so I decided to create one. I have a technical background and from early childhood I have had a science-centric worldview. 

While I may address my own personal experiences in later posts, I can say that I am not a member of the clergy and I am, myself, Science-centric and UnChurched.

In short, I am merely human and of basically sound mind and body. Religion, Church, Science and Spirituality are all part of my life experience to one degree or another, and, thus, I am qualified to question and consider these things. While I will offer observations and suggestions in this blog, I will do so without any claim to 'expert' status. I do not require a credential to think or feel or consider. Being human is my credential. Twenty plus years professionally employed in engineering and IT gives me an insiders perspective on the Science-centric among us.

Q: What do I hope will happen with this blog & training program? What will be the point of it?
A: A thaw in the ice between the two sides would be very welcome. 

Hopefully I am not being too idealistic.

OK....first step taken.

Please comment and share this blog with others you know, Science- or Religion-centric, Churched or UnChurched. Like I say in the header...we may not all be in Church together, but we are all in Society together.

- Dan

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